During my recent trip to Wisconsin I stayed in a cabin by a lake. On the morning of the last day of the trip I decided to jump into the water for a swim. There was a floating dock in the lake and I desired to swim to it. But I hesitated. I was alone, and thought that if something should happen to me, such as an unexpected medical emergency, that I'd drown and no one would know it until staff noticed that I hadn't checked out yet, and all my things were still locked inside the cabin, my rental car was still parked outside, and that I was no where to be found but for my t-shirt and flip-flops on the shore of the lake. A dead body is bad for business, so I opted to content myself with sitting on the shore. It was there that the lake taught me a lesson.
I have become much more adventurous as of late, though at the same time I have also become more cautious. A younger me would have swum out to the floating dock had I desired to do so, yet my younger self would not have had such a desire. To be sure, my caution is not out of fear, as evidenced by the fact that just the other day I jumped out of an airplane. Rather it is a matter of preparation. If someone was with me at the lake I would have surely made the swim to the floating dock. What i lacked was the safety of another person. Just as when I jumped out of the airplane. I did not jump out of the plane alone. Rather, I jumped with the security of a person who had made that same jump thousands of times before. It was in this notion that the lake held its lesson for me. Having recently graduated from college, I am currently in a period of transition. This is a time of serious reflection as I consider how best to use my newly gained skills in tandem with my natural talents and passions. Informed by the impending reality of student loan payments, I have been leaning on the side of responsible practicality in terms of a career move, but the lake has another idea. What is it that I want to do, but am instead sitting on the shore of? What would I do if had a worthy guide who had gone before me in the direction of my dreams? I have answered this question for myself, and in so doing have been assigned the homework of finding that guide. There is much work to be done, and I look forward to it with anticipation and excitement. My hope for you is that if you have found yourself for too long on the shore of your dreams that you will consider the Wisdom of The Lake. |
AuthorI'm a mirror (and so are you). Topics
February 2022